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11,172. This, my friends, is a reason to celebrate. 11,172 lives saved in 2015. You made that possible. Through your support and commitment to our mission, last year was arguably the most impactful single year in the 138 year history of the Michigan Humane Society. However, there is much still to do.

Our annual Valentine’s Telethon is a great event supporting our work on behalf of the animals in our community. It speaks volumes to the continued engagement and support of our community in improving the lives of animals throughout metro Detroit. Funds raised through our telethon help us continue to make our critical services and programs possible:

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  • Our emergency rescue and animal cruelty investigation teams are on the streets today, in this brutally cold weather, serving animals without proper shelter, food or water – situations that are clearly life and death.
  • This support will enable MHS to assist thousands of families who love their pet dearly but are currently facing financial hardships, making it difficult to provide for their pet. MHS’ Keeping Families Together programs, all of which you make possible, prevent the heartbreak and anguish that comes from a family having to surrender a beloved companion solely on the basis of their current financial situation.
  • Thousands of animals will receive extensive and expert veterinary care and/or behavior rehabilitation on their way to finding a second home. Many of these animals are in MHS’ care for weeks or months until they are ready for placement.
  • As mentioned above, 11,172 animal lives were provided a new home and second chance last year – almost twice as many lives saved as the next largest shelter in Michigan even takes in.

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We must break through additional barriers and challenges to save even more lives, as even one animal life left behind is one too many! As we look at the next step; the next population of at-risk animals, the answers get more complicated and take more resources. Animals with significant behavior issues, perhaps the product of abuse or neglect, require extensive behavior modification, time and work. Animals that perhaps have never seen a veterinarian, or even the inside of a home, or animals with an emergency medical crisis for which MHS veterinarians are the difference between life and death.

The difference between that next population of animals in need and that second chance is your support. Yesterday was a good day, but we are hoping to make it a great day for the additional animals that need our help.

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We have a unique opportunity to build upon yesterday’s success! Thanks to Mike Palmer and his incredible team at Premier Pet Supply, donations made today to MHS will be matched!

On average, it costs MHS $192 to transform the life of a single animal. Would you consider being that difference? And with the Premier Pet Supply match your donation of $192 would be helping to save 2 animal lives. Is that not the perfect way of honoring that special loved one on Valentine’s Day – the gift of life?

With your support, we can continue our commitment to giving the animals of Southeast Michigan, those that have been forgotten, an opportunity at life.

Whether $1 or $1,000 – it all will make a difference for animals in great need. You will allow us to give them a new leash on life.

Thank you!

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

~ Anatole France