
Hanging out with Rhea, a senior Rottweiler at Rochester Hills Center for Animal Care.

I am very excited to officially launch our newest method for creating a two way conversation with you, our key supporters and companion animal advocates – and it seems quite fitting, as I am new myself to the Michigan Humane Society family.

While I feel privileged to start this blog, in the days and months to follow, you will be hearing from and interacting with key animal experts and leaders. I strongly believe that vision and leadership are only ideas – ideas that require the right people to make them a reality. Therefore, I am grateful to begin this important and ongoing discussion relative to caring for and celebrating our most trusted companions, and for the opportunities we collectively will have to interact with the true leaders in our industry.


At the Detroit Center for Animal Care with the MHS Cruelty and Rescue teams.

Becoming the President and CEO of the Michigan Humane Society has brought me home – both geographically and as an animal care professional. I have had the privilege of a career in animal welfare in communities across the country. I have witnessed horrible acts of cruelty and amazing, selfless acts of compassion. Those experiences have helped shape who I am as a person and who I am as an animal advocate. A voice for animals is who I am. It is something I believe in, with conviction, and gives me the real opportunity to impact the world around me – to make a difference.

I am proud beyond words to be part of an organization and a state that has progressed so far as it pertains to animal welfare. I have, almost literally, worked in animal welfare throughout the country. Returning home to a state that has taken huge steps forward in its care of animals brings me great personal satisfaction. Yet, we still have much work ahead of us and I am eager to be part of a team, organization and community that is unwavering in its commitment to ensuring animals are cared for and valued in the way they deserve.


Assisting Dr. Garrity my first week.

Here at the Michigan Humane Society, every animal entrusted to us has an opportunity. Every animal, regardless of how it came to us, will be provided the respect it deserves and the compassion it needs. The Michigan Humane Society takes in tens of thousands of animals every year, but we cannot, and will not, forget what we represent: every animal entrusted to us is a life, every dollar we raise towards our mission impacts those lives, and every person we interact with is a potential advocate and voice for those in need.

Michigan is home. It is good to be back.

Matthew Pepper

P.S. It’s encouraging and exciting to partner with advocates like you who share our passion. That’s why I want to hear from you. Please take a minute to tell me how you believe MHS should move forward in our mission by completing this four question survey:
