Each month in 2015, we will be celebrating the pit bull! MHS adopts out hundreds of pit bulls a year and love to show people how great dogs of this breed type can be. We will be featuring a different “famous” pit bull from history each month.


Buster Brown, a comic book character created in 1902, shared many of his adventures with his dog Tige, an American Pit Bull Terrier. Tige was thought to be the first “talking pet” featured in comics, though his speech went unnoticed by adults. The pair were eventually featured in silent movies as well, such as “Buster Brown to the Rescue.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUJWcNrsWKU&w=420&h=315]

Later on, the Brown Shoe company created a children’s brand called “Buster Brown & Co.” and featured Buster’s faithful companion Tige in much of their branding and advertising.

MHS has many wonderful “pit bull dogs” available for adoption, like Jenna, Paschal and Tulip!
