Andrew Humphrey and Raindrop

Emmy award-winning meteorologist and reporter for WDIV-TV Local 4, Andrew Humphrey, has always been a big supporter of MHS and is an avid animal lover! While Humphrey says his favorite part of forecasting weather is helping viewers make plans and stay safe, he also promotes pet safety with reminders for pet owners to
bring their animals inside during hot, cold or other severe weather.

We talked to Andrew for our print publication, MichigAnimals, and we thought we’d share the interview here!

Have you always loved animals?

I’ve always had an appreciation and affection for animals. I grew up near parks, around nature and near facilities with animals big and small, furry and feathery. I loved seeing big cats, elephants and seals at the zoo and learning about squirrels, snakes and spiders at my local nature center.

Tell us about your first pet.

I am a late bloomer. My first pet came to me when I was an adult. I inherited my first cat, Snowflake, immediately after I learned she needed a home. I loved when she would stand on my chest before going to bed each night.

What is your fondest pet memory?

My fondest pet memory is when I found Raindrop – or I should say when she found me. I was at the Michigan Humane Society’s Detroit facility looking for a playmate for Snowflake, who has since passed. While viewing cats in the middle and upper enclosures, all of a sudden, I felt a tug on the left side of my jeans. There was little Raindrop reaching through her door amongst all the other kittens, grabbing my cuff with her little gray and white right paw. To this day, whenever she wakes from a nap, she stretches out that same right paw and I give her a high-five.

What’s most rewarding about sharing your life with pets?

I love the little moments, seeing Raindrop jumping up in the window when I return home from work, chasing her around the house or just when she sits by my side while I’m at my computer. They give me so much joy.

Do you have any cat-like traits?

When I think of dogs, I think of dedication. When I think of cats, self-sufficiency comes to mind. I’m dedicated to keeping families informed, putting smiles on their faces and keeping them safe with solid weather reports and good news stories about science, technology and academic achievement. I try to instill self-sufficiency in young people by sharing my knowledge and professional experience with them. I emphasize the value of education so they can become self-determined and connect what they are learning in the classroom to their future careers and ambitions.

How do pets help us ‘weather’ challenges in our lives?

Pets give people their unconditional, undying love and support, especially in times of emergency and need. Many times, they can sense when the chips are down and come over with a playful lick or a comforting nudge. Even when our companions don’t know we are stressed, just seeing their excitement and joy when we return home or just wake up in the morning is heartwarming and makes us forget about the troubles in our minds.

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