No Picnic

While you may be looking forward to the warmer weather, for many animal shelters around the country, the spring season brings a bit of dread. With warmer weather comes “kitten season,” the time of the year when stray cats are breeding and litters of homeless kittens are coming into the shelter multiple times a day.

Unfortunately, many of these kittens come in with upper respiratory diseases and too small or skinny to be spayed/neutered and placed up for adoption.

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We are extremely grateful for our more than 200 active foster homes that are willing to take in these kittens to help them get well and gain weight before they can go up for adoption. Foster parents are volunteers who take animals into their home, generally to help them recover from illness, injury or to gain weight or grow up before they are ready for adoption.


The shelter is not the best place for growing kittens under eight weeks old, and not for mothers who are trying to raise a litter. This is where foster homes come in, giving them a loving home environment for several weeks until they are ready to find a home of their own.

Learn how you can help us survive kitten season!

Check out our available cats and kittens here!