Fighting Puppy Mills on Many Fronts

Fighting Puppy Mills on Many Fronts

For those who regularly follow Michigan Humane blogs, you are familiar with our fight against abusive commercial breeders, commonly referred to as puppy mills. For example, during the 2017-18 legislative session, many of you helped us push back against two bills that...
Royal Oak Banning Pet Stores From Selling Dogs, Cats

Royal Oak Banning Pet Stores From Selling Dogs, Cats

Royal Oak becomes the fifth Michigan city to ban the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores after passing an ordinance that goes into effect on Thursday. The ban prevents animals from puppy mills making their way to Royal Oak pet stores since the only two pet...
Royal Oak Banning Pet Stores From Selling Dogs, Cats

Lame Ducks and Puppy Mills – A Legislative Update

Update 12/18/18: Both bills HB 5916 and HB 5917 have passed the Michigan House and Senate. The Michigan Humane Society has sent Governor Rick Snyder a formal letter urging him to veto both bills. You can read the letter HERE. Original article below. Michigan’s...