bull terrier with kittens

Every Friday, we’ll share animal welfare and general pet related links from around the web that we found informative or just entertaining! Enjoy!

Sixteen Things Shelter Workers and Volunteers Really Wish You Knew
There are a ton of misconceptions that revolve around working or volunteering at a shelter. While it’s super fun to snuggle all the pups, it can also be emotional and difficult at times to work with animals in need. Shelter volunteers set the record straight about what they want you to know about the rewarding experience of working at a shelter… (read more)

Great Lakes Animal Welfare Conference Registration Opens
JOIN YOUR COLLEAGUES at the 12th annual MPAW-MAACO “Great Lakes Animal Welfare Conference” which has expanded to become the biggest animal welfare training and networking event of the year in the Great Lakes region! We welcome all animal welfare and animal control professionals to one central location in Battle Creek at the peak of fall color season!… (read more)

Five Photo Tricks That Help Dogs Get Adopted
It’s no surprise that a great photo makes a world of difference in helping a dog get adopted. As potential forever families flip through photos on websites like Petfinder or through the adoptable dogs section of local rescues, the dogs with the most compelling photographs are the ones that will get the most attention. But exactly how big of a difference does it make?… (read more)

‘Pawte Cuisine’ Wows at Humane Society Benefit
Two of Michigan’s most celebrated chefs were featured at a spectacular event Thursday to benefit the Michigan Humane Society. Marc Djozlija of Wright & Co. and Andy Hollyday of Selden Standard presented some of their best signature dishes during a strolling dinner at the event cleverly titled, “Pawte Cuisine.”… (read more)

Scientific Proof That Dogs Love Us Like Family
As a long-time dog lover and first-time dog parent, there are tons of questions swirling in my head about what my dog’s thinking, dreaming, and barking. We already know that our pups love us. There is no doubt about that. You can see it in their eyes. You can see it in their smile. And you can see it in their tail-wags… (read more)