Amazing transformations happen at MHS every day, on a large and small scale. Sometimes it’s dramatic – a severely matted or emaciated dog that makes an amazing recovery and looks like a different animal. Sometimes it is simple, but world changing for that one animals – like a stray cat that finds a new family. Following are some of the more visually startling animal transformations that have been made possible by supporters of MHS.



Edgar was found in a garbage can. A passerby was alerted to his presence when he was walking by and heard whimpering coming from the trash. MHS went to the scene where they found a severely abused little dog with a garbage bag tied around his neck and no way to get out. In nearly two months at MHS, Edgar was treated for multiple medical ailments including severe urine burns, which are indicators of long-term neglect, and an upper respiratory infection. Once healthy, Edgar was placed up for adoption and found his forever home on Wednesday, April 16.



Julie had been abandoned, confined without food or water for weeks. Julie was suffering from one of the worst cases of emaciation we have seen in some time. Every bone on her body was visible. In fact, it was amazing that she was even walking. Her recovery was slow and painful. Even after three weeks of regular meals (and of course, lots of TLC), Julie was still far too skinny to be placed for adoption. After recovering in foster care with one of MHS In-Home Heroes, Julie was finally well enough to find her forever home. She went from homeless to loved when she was adopted by her foster family!



Bridgette came in to us as a stray, severely matted, unable to even see. One of her back legs was broken, due to an old injury. After an extensive grooming process, being spayed, treated for an upper respiratory infection, and having her leg amputated, she went into a foster home with a staff member for one month. During that time, the staff member’s mom fell in love with her. The staff member, Nicole, had her dad bring her mom up to work on Mother’s Day, thinking that they were just going to lunch. Nicole had adopted Bridgette for her mom, and brought Bridgette out to surprise her mom for a Mother’s Day present!



Addie was found with her ill-fitting collar was deeply embedded into her neck, and she was so weak, she could barely stand. Her body was so emaciated that each of her ribs was showing. You can imagine how hopeless it looked for this one-year-old pit bull mix, a victim of shocking neglect. Addie took a long time to recover from her severe injuries. Over the course of several weeks MHS veterinarians healed her wounds while volunteers and staff worked with Addie to rebuild her trust in humans. Today, Addie is happy and healthy, with a family that truly loves her.



Shorty was attacked by other dogs, causing a gruesome wound on his chest. Without care surely would have become severely infected and taken Shorty’s life. But once he was in the care of MHS, he received medication to fight infection, his wound was cleaned and wrapped with gauze, and he found his way into the loving arms of an MHS foster caregiver. After several weeks healing in foster care, he found the perfect home.



The MHS rescue team was called to a house where they found a female shepherd mix dog, dreadfully emaciated, peeking out from an air vent she had fallen into. Covered in dirt and insulation, she lacked the strength to get out of the vent. When we pulled her out and got her back to the MHS Detroit Center for Animal Care, we found out that she was half of her expected body weight. You could see every rib, her entire hip bone – everything. After weeks of care, Maya gained back the weight, became healthy again, and found a loving family!



Skipper was found chained up and abandoned next to a vacant house, her owners nowhere to be found. Skipper’s food and water dishes had long since run empty, and her “doghouse” was in tatters, offering no protection from the wind, rain and snow. When our rescue drivers arrived to cut her free from her chain, the wind and rain were pounding, and this sweet terrier mix was absolutely soaked to the bone. We took her back to MHS, dried her off, and gave her the TLC that she deserved. Today, this little gal is healthy and happy, with a loving family that won’t abandon her on the end of a chain in the middle of winter.